Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Salty Milk

I feel my french improving every day. At least that's what I think right before I make a horribly embarrassing mistake like I did on Sunday. I was sitting on the beach with Lauren, Ellen, and Lauren's host brothers when I wanted to say "J'ai sel dans mon nez" for some reason, instead "J'ai sel dans mon lait" came out, which instead means "I have salt in my milk" Lauren's brother found this immensely funny and did not hesitate to tell everyone sitting around us my HILARIOUS mistake.

Don't worry, language is not the only way I've found to embarrass myself. Yesterday morning, I was waiting with the triplets for Thiaba to get some documents notarized. We were sitting on a curb, lazily chatting. Ellen noticed a senegalese woman across the drive making large motions toward us, so I waved hello and smiled. She didn't stop. I asked Ellen what she was saying (that's our set-up, I'm better at speaking french, but Lauren and Ellen can understand what others are saying much sooner than myself). She looked at me, then at the woman, then she said, "Grace! She can see your underwear, close your legs!" I felt soooo embarrassed, but was relieved to see the woman was at this point laughing like a hyena. Guess my skirt wasn't as long as I thought it was...

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