Friday, September 16, 2011

A Few First Glances


Lauren with her colorful array of scandalous bathing suit choices at the market in downtown Dakar.


It's common to see goats hanging out on the side of the road that belong to a vendor.


This is the entrance of the Baobab Center (where I'm taking classes). Next to me is Samba, who works for the center and has promised to teach us how to dance senegalese-style!


The view from the apartment where we spent our first night in Dakar. Ellen is checking out the bakery across the street- all those carts are filled with bread waiting to be delivered.


Lauren is tastefully displaying one of the fish we ate on the first night. The fish was served to us whole (skin and everything). Didn't bother me nearly as much as perhaps it should've...


One of the vendor's booths downtown Dakar


The triplets.


The street I live on.

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